Tuesdays 6:30pm : 45 Mins
Limara's bootcamp is an energetic and dynamic way to get stuck into functional training, it's fun but challenging. With a mix up of techniques and programme styles such as circuits, intervals, relays; using just body weight or weights and equipment. Bootcamp ALWAYS gives you something a little bit different and enjoyable.
Improve fitness
Improve endurance
Gain strength
Have fun in the fresh air
Limara is an EXCELLENT coach who is always on hand to assist and guide you through each programme, making this bootcamp suitable for all abilities.
FREE to Imperial Sports Ground members
PAYG to non members - £7 – no limit on places.
What are you waiting for?!
Drop us a message if you would like to come along.
Come and give it a go - We're at Imperial Sports Ground, West Town Lane, Bristol BS14 9EA