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The Deep Squat

Writer's picture: Limara BrailsfordLimara Brailsford

Yes I know... you can’t do it; you aren’t flexible enough or it’s uncomfortable....

it’s just not for you.... right?... wrong!!!

Yes it is for you!!

Please; before you switch off or move on just hear me out....

Deep squatting is an ancient primal movement pattern. The position was historically been used for a variety of different human functions: defecating, cooking, socializing, and even resting.

However, western society has almost completely neglected this natural position due to the use of furniture like sofas, chairs and tables.

Because of this many health issues have arisen; poor posture and weak muscles, constipation, irregular blood pressure, and poor circulation just to name a few.

It is however not too late to regain the natural benefits of reclaiming this position, gain some relief and restore a more natural function within your body.

This is not just a position for a yogi or somebody who is already flexible.

This is a position for everybody.

In fact the harder you find it the more you should work at it. But there are ways you can start that will help you:

Use a heel lift a rolled up towel or yoga block May do the trick... or

Use a chair to hold on to,

Use a wall even...

Just do it and do it regularly...

Would you like to find some relief from.. Back Pain? - Deep squatting stretches and elongates the shortened muscles in the lower back. It can assist in decompressing the spine from all the sitting we do.

Would you like to Increase your flexibility? The deep squat is a position that either contracts or stretches a number of muscles to their full range of motion. This is great because it means the muscles will be active rather than completely shut off like they are when we are slouched back on the sofa.

Would you like better ankle flexibility so you can squat better? The deep squat position no matter how much help you need to get there will help restore ankle range of motion, by stretching the tight muscles in our legs (achilles and calf muscles). An issue many of us face.

Would you like Stronger Hips and Glutes? Deep squatting activates the hips and glutes. It has been shown that the glutes can be engaged 25% more in a deep squat than in a shallow squat (legs bent at 90 degrees).

Would you like to Improve your Posture? With improved joint mobility and lower body strength, it is easier for our musculoskeletal system to assume better alignment.

Would you rather have Better Digestive Health? Deep squatting allows our body to better digest the food we are eating and enables our digestive organs to relax and contract in the correct way in order to defecate.

Would you like another way to help strengthen your Core? Squatting keeps your abdominal and lower back muscles engaged to maintain posture so it is great for building a strong core. It is important to have a strong Core. But that is a whole other subject to get stuck into another time.

Reduce the Risk of Injuries? When the core, hips, and glutes become stronger, you gain better control over your trunk and legs, reducing your chances of getting injured.

This is a Great Resting Position for Joint Pain Relief Your ankles, knees, hips, and back are completely safe in this position when proper form is used. With the engagement of so many surrounding muscle groups your joints are protected from having pain while in this position. Sitting for lengthly periods of time puts most of our joints in poor positions and exposes them to chronic pain over time. As most of our muscles are switched off they are not able to support and protect the joints as they should.

Better Athletic Performance A perfect squat is triple flexion and triple extension, which every athlete uses. This means the simultaneous extension of the hips, knees, and ankles which is crucial for nearly every athletic movement from jumping to sprinting. The way a person squats is the way they are going to do everything else because that’s the foundation of their motor patterns. Deep squatting consistently should also help your explosive movements, like running faster and jumping higher.

So use it as a tool to Assess Your Body It can show you where you are tight and what part of your body needs mobilising. You will want to work on the following points:

  • Push heels down to the floor (or heel lift to start)

  • Point your toes out,

  • Point your knees out in line with your toes,

  • Stop your feet from collapsing inward, and

  • Avoid rounding your back forward.

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